Monday 26 December 2022

Christmas Visit to Adelaide

 Last minute plan

It has always been on my mind to come back and catch up with friends. After Covid restrictions being lifted, I also wanted to sort out my belongings that are still under storage in Adelaide.

I was trying to decide on the most optimal travel method: either by flight, train+bus or car, considering I might want to bring some items back with me.

In fact, for a couple of weeks before the trip my mind was overwhelmed by the number of decisions I had to make at the same time: work, job application, long distance travel, clearing the storage space, and any holidays plan.

 I prayed hard to let go of the things I didn't feel I could handle, and for things to happen in a manageable chunk and sequence. This prayer was swiftly answered and everything fell into place one by one.

After asking my friend J about possibly staying at his place when I land on the 22nd, I decided to go by flight. The cost of fuel and time for travelling by road is just too high for one person.

I found a Jetstar flight that fit my budget, with a 4 hrs transit in Melbourne. There were less than 5 seats left ( just 2 if I remember correctly) when I booked the flight. I also recalled having bought a couple of Jetstar gift cards earlier in 2020 before Covid hit, which was going to expire in Feb 2023. The gift vouchers were successfully applied, giving me a hefty $250 discount. With a place to stay (even if temporarily) and a one-way ticket, the trip is on.

My precious and ever-helpful girlfriend promised to take me to the airport on the morning of my departure. About 20-30 mins before we left home, I received two calls; one from S, a recruiter and another from J, the CIO who interviewed me 2-3 weeks earlier. They provided the info I needed to decide about my job application, and it was a load off from my shoulder. 

We were 10 mins later than planned by the time I finished up with the calls, so off we go with me driving the car, feeling slight travelling anxiety, and my GF sitting next to me. Once we reached the airport, I saw that I have 26 mins before boarding closed, so there was still time. We sat down and prayed for my flight, thanking God for what has been a blessed morning, and praying for us. Timing was impeccable for the last 2 hours.

Storm in Melbourne: the plane was shaken sideways as well as up and down. I remembered praying rather peacefully for our safety. Our pilot had to fly several loops before landing due to the weather.

While stuck at the airport under the storm, with the job application still in mind I managed to call my previous manager, and another senior ex-colleague that I used to work with. It was very fruitful as the former gave me some ideas about how the new workplace is, as she is also working there now. Both of them also encouraged me and promised to give good references. The phone conversations gave me peace, and it was a green light for me to proceed with the job application.

The second flight was also delayed by two hours, but I made it to Adelaide with J picking me up at 9.30pm. A bit late, but better than never.

Couldn't be A Better Timing:

I managed to get my stuff out of the storage on the next day after landing in Adelaide. That was thanks to an offer by my previous landlady H to pick me up for coffee & chat, and from there we made further arrangements. No more worries about my stuff stored in Adelaide.

On Saturday, I came with J to worship at his church. It was amazing with opportunities to connect with the brethren there and a number of familiar faces. I saw D & wife F, who has recently had a lung and heart transplant and looked like a new person. 

I met a church member from Burundi who apparently has an MBA but chose to drive Uber because of Covid. We had a great chat over the potluck lunch. E introduced me to Pastor W, who is going to host L when she comes back from S Africa.

With GL Church, I didn't know that the first pastor I met in Australia is retiring and having his last official service this Christmas. Hence, I decided to attend the Nativity Christmas Eve (Saturday evening) and the morning service (Sunday).

I managed to catch up with so many people from my first church. It has been a very successful visit just for this.

Apparently, my friend B & wife M caught Covid before Christmas, which was unfortunate. I also had to cancel dinner with the retiring pastor as his wife was also exposed to someone with Covid.

Had Christmas lunch with F & A and kids at Ju's place. Good to catch up, and listen to stories over food.

Things happened in certain ways that God had planned, and I am glad that J could spend the time to rest and have family time uninterrupted, while I was also rejoicing with my own reunion. All things considered, it's been a perfect holiday so far, under God's will.

People kept asking me until when I'll be staying in Adelaide, and I consistently answered I'll leave on the New Year 1st of Jan, even 3 days before I bought my ticket. I felt so sure, and it turned out the best ticket I could get with direct flight, baggage included and being the most cost effective was a 1st Jan flight. I felt at peace having accomplished most of the objectives I have set for my trip to Adelaide: catch up with friends, clear items in storage, share my testimony as much as I could.

Finally Summer: the day after Christmas was 38 C, and the next day 41 C. I stayed indoors mostly, having some really good conversations with J's mom K. We didn't realise we're talking for 2 hrs straight. Keeping in mind about my coughs and capacity to use my voice box, I decided to do some journalling and write this post. Had some good convo with J about the things his church is trying to decide on.

I felt moved to visit the nearby kebab shop for a late lunch. I said Salaam, then Merry Christmas which made the person ask me twice if he heard me right. He smiled after that and we had a good chat. I ate at the shop under the air cond.

Was also considering effective ways to do good news outreach. Texted a number of friends I'd like to catch up with before flying out. I also bought my return flight ticket to NTL. 

Considered ADL-NTL and ADL-SYD options, with preference for a direct flight and best price. Consulted with the unique advisor (GF) and ended up with ADL-NTL, bus to the interchange, train to a nearby station and highly likely a hired car to home.

Very Thankful: for God's Kingdom and His provisions. There were so many things that happened with such perfect timing and ease that I could only attribute to God. And thanks to the church family members everywhere, faithful servants of God who took care of my needs. I feel so blessed and secure under His protection. Very thankful to and for my special girlfriend who has been encouraging with our commitment to God, and has shown her own commitment when prompted. I couldn't have easily found someone special like her without God's help. Praise the Lord.