Saturday 26 September 2015

My Story - A Dreaming of Dreams

First Set of Dreams
These dreams appeared three days after my accident. I was asleep in the hospital ward that night, with my dad sleeping in the couch next to me. I woke up with tears rolling down on my cheeks.
1.     I was facing a terminal that answered all questions I had about the world. It showed that God is all-knowing. A guiding/narrating figure explained that God knows what will happen not because everything is pre-determined, but because everything is in his calculations. He knows all possible combination of events, probabilities of events and more beyond our imagination. He is Almighty and All-knowing.
2.   As I was lying/sleeping in bed at home, suddenly a gush of wind entered the window, throwing the bed cover, pillow and mattress around in a whirl and it stole me away. Clothes were like ribbon in the hand of a gymnast. Gravity lost its strength as I floated further away from the ground. This is the start of a dream within a dream.
3.     I was brought to a cave and brought near to a strange inscription on the wall (in blue). The letters were alien (like runes) but I could pronounce the words (I felt it important to memorize Eber-nakh / Seber-nakh to find out more about it later). The meaning of the Word is still a mystery to this day. The guide/narrator informed me that the whole writing is a Word of God.
4.    The narrator exclaimed: "Behold ! The Word of God !" The cave was pulled out of existence except for my person, the Word of God and the guide. I was floating in a dark vaccuum space. Immediately the Word that I saw on the wall earlier gleamed, glittered with such power, contracted way out of distance from me and then exploded violently. It was the creation of the world (Big Bang). One of the rocks / matter shot through my body near my chest/heart thunderously. I was in horror, with eyes squeezed shut and my body arched, storming with excruciating pain. Later, an idea emerged to relate the Word of God and the creation of the world.
5.     I was relocated to a town in another dream. The town had domes made of stone bricks full of gold/treasure. I was jumping / flying on something that looked like a pogo stick, guarding the treasures. Suddenly the wind started blowing in the city. I hid inside the dome and shut all windows, sealed all the gaps in the wall, but the wind managed to flow in through tiny crevices. It grew stronger as the tiny holes eroded into bigger holes. The wind swept away all the treasure leaving the city empty and barren. I was taught that: God is like the wind, you can't see Him but when He acts 1) there is a huge visible impact, 2) nothing can stop Him, 3) all treasures in the world eternally belong to Him.

     The incident was much like the nano-locust swarming in the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still").
6.     Finally, I was in a white place with long white sheets hanging all over the place. There was a table with a white tablecloth, and on it there were desserts / food of different varieties. Across the table was a bearded person clothed in white head covering. He gestured to welcome me to join him and I knew that this was Joshua.

Second Set of Dreams
These dreams appeared to me about 2 weeks after I was discharged from the hospital:
  1. A vision that flew through different ages and places around the world showing war, conquest, famine, kingdoms and all of humanity struggles. I was shown the worthlessness of kings, paupers, soldiers, captains, and etc. Lesson learned: human cant bring good by themselves. All princes and kings extinguish by disease, old age or murder. There is no eternal kingdom but the Kingdom of God. Don't feel miserable for what I am about to lose and don't worry.
  2. A vision of a shepherd and his flock of sheep. Jesus is the shepherd, and yet he also offered himself as the prime lamb of God so that he may save the flock.
The Last Dream
On the day of Lent, I had the last dream. However, perhaps because of my own weakness or waning faith, I can vaguely recall this one except for a note I wrote to remind myself:
  1. Jesus came over and offered desserts by the hundreds on a white table (similar to

After this experience, I felt overcame with wisdom and hidden knowledge. I felt scared by His power, and scared for my future. I felt that He was telling me to abandon all my plans and to abide by Him. Although one of the dreams taught me not to be scared, I still feel scared even to this very day. However, I am taking steps towards Him.